The 100 most recent account entries/updates. |
comName | sciName | species_account | breeding_status | list_type | state_status | fed_status | S_rank | G_rank | coastal_plain | piedmont | mountain | tips | tips_code | update_on |
Dickcissel | Spiza americana | Although there are numerous birds that are highly erratic wintering species in North Carolina and el... | Breeder | Definitive | SR | | S2B | G5 | Sporadic and very local summer resident, and sparse winter visitor. In summer, very rare to rare ov... | Sporadic and very local summer resident, and very sparse winter visitor. In summer, rare and sporad... | Sparse transient; seldom in summer or winter. Despite many wide valleys with farmland at low elevat... | From 2005 - 2018, the species has been easily found in summer at North River Farms, but this is a pr... | ** | 2025-02-06 |
Scarlet Tanager | Piranga olivacea | Certainly one of the most beautiful birds in North America, the Scarlet Tanager is a classic bird of... | Breeder | Definitive | | | S5B | G5 | Summer resident, and transient. In summer, currently uncommon to locally fairly common in the north... | Summer resident, with migratory movements. Currently, fairly common in summer over most of the regi... | Summer resident, with migratory movements. Fairly common to common in summer, up to about 5,000 fee... | The species should be heard and seen in a morning of birding in the mountains and most of the Piedmo... | *** to **** | 2025-02-06 |
Summer Tanager | Piranga rubra | The Summer Tanager is a characteristic bird of the Deep South, nesting north only to southern New Je... | Breeder | Definitive | | | S5B | G5 | Summer resident, and winter straggler. Common in the southern half of the region, from the Croatan ... | Summer resident, with a few winter records. Fairly common to common over most of the region, more n... | Sparse summer resident, with little migratory movement noted. Uncommon in the extreme southwestern ... | None needed in the southern Coastal Plain, such as in the Sandhills Game Land, Weymouth Woods Preser... | **** | 2025-02-06 |
Blackpoll Warbler | Setophaga striata | The Blackpoll Warbler, at a glance at its breeding range, would seem to have a similar migration pat... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient. In spring, uncommon to at times fairly common over most of the region, likely less numer... | Transient. Fairly common (formerly common) across the region in spring; in fall, generally uncommon... | Transient. Fairly common in low to middle elevations in spring; rare at high elevations. In fall, g... | Normally not hard to find between 5-20 May, especially around 10-15 May, in many parks in the state.... | *** | 2025-02-06 |
Cerulean Warbler | Setophaga cerulea | The Cerulean Warbler is one of the more strongly declining songbirds in the eastern part of the cont... | Breeder | Definitive | SC | | S2B | G4 | Local summer resident, and sparse transient. In summer, rare to uncommon, local, and declining, alo... | Transient; breeds along the Blue Ridge Escarpment, which forms the border between the Piedmont and M... | Summer resident, and transient. In summer, mostly rare and local at lower elevations (below about 3... | The species is best found by stopping at several overlooks on the Blue Ridge Parkway northeast of As... | ** to *** | 2025-02-06 |
Connecticut Warbler | Oporornis agilis | The Connecticut Warbler, poorly named, is one of the less common warblers in North America. It has ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G4G5 | Transient, in fall. Accidental in spring -- the only report is one at Fort Macon (Carteret) ... | Transient, primarily in fall. Casual to very rare in spring in the southwestern half of the region,... | Transient, more frequent in spring than in fall. Rare but regular in spring across the southern hal... | The only semi-reliable spots are Jackson Park in Hendersonville in mid-May, and Buxton Woods in D... | * to ** | 2025-02-06 |
Brewer's Blackbird | Euphagus cyanocephalus | The Brewer's Blackbird is an abundant bird of the Western half of the country. It is somewhat migra... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S1N | G5 | Winter resident at one and possibly two sites, otherwise a sparse winter visitor and transient. Kno... | Scarce transient and winter visitor, as the province is generally east of the migration routes; some... | Scarce, though a regular transient. Rare in southern mountain valleys, and casual in the northern h... | Arrangements to access Open Ground Farms have always been tricky, and this is not a good option. Re... | * | 2025-02-04 |
Bullock's Oriole | Icterus bullockii | The Bullock's Oriole is the western counterpart to the Baltimore Oriole. Originally classified as s... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Very rare winter visitor; most records prior to 2010; however, there were four records during the 20... | Very rare winter visitor. There are about 16 records, with 8-9 birds over-wintering. Records are s... | One record. An adult male was photographed at a feeder in Murphy (Cherokee) on 13 Oct 2024 (... | Your first Bullock's Oriole will likely be seen at someone's feeder. | * | 2025-02-04 |
Henslow's Sparrow | Centronyx henslowii | The Henslow's Sparrow has always been one of the rarest sparrows in North America, and being a grass... | Breeder | Definitive | E | | S1B,S1N | G4 | Summer resident, and winter resident, over parts of the region; strongly declining. In summer, stil... | Spring transient and former breeder; strongly declining. Currently, casual to very rare spring migra... | Transient, and possible former breeder; strongly declining. Casual to very rare in spring; mainly A... | The species can still be found at VOA site A, mostly in the eastern half of the site. Birds can be h... | ** to *** | 2025-02-04 |
Nelson's Sparrow | Ammospiza nelsoni | In 1995, the Sharp-tailed Sparrow was split into two species, instead of a potential three species. ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S4N | G5 | Winter resident coastally, and transient inland. In winter, fairly common to common along the south... | Transient, scarce. Very rare fall migrant, with the few records between 10 Sep and 14 Oct, with the... | Transient, scarce. Very rare in spring and fall. In spring, eight records -- 2 at Swannanoa, 25 May... | The species is usually easy to find, especially at high tide, in marshes at Fort Fisher near the Aqu... | *** | 2025-02-04 |
Clay-colored Sparrow | Spizella pallida | The Clay-colored Sparrow was primarily a "Western"/Midwestern" species until a few decades ago. How... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient, and sparse winter resident, mainly near the coast. In fall, rare to uncommon along the c... | Transient, essentially in fall and winter. Very rare in fall and winter (about 21 records in fall a... | Transient. Very rare in fall, winter, and spring, nearly all records in low elevations in the south... | Your best bet is probably Fort Fisher in Sep and Oct. A few were being seen semi-regularly in winte... | * to ** | 2025-02-04 |
Lark Bunting | Calamospiza melanocorys | This is a conspicuous and unique species of the short-grass prairies, very rare as a stray to the Ea... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SA | G5 | Casual migrant, nearly all records from the Dare Outer Banks. There are eight records. One ... | Accidental. A singing male in breeding plumage at Dorothea Dix farm in Raleigh, 2-12 May 1978, is t... | No records. | | 1/2* | 2025-02-04 |
Lark Sparrow | Chondestes grammacus | The Lark Sparrow, as with the Vesper Sparrow, is by itself in a monotypic genus; no other sparrow is... | Breeder | Definitive | SR | | S1B | G5 | Sparse summer resident, transient, and winter straggler. In summer, rare and local, only in the San... | Transient. Casual to very rare in spring, and very rare in fall; scattered over the region. Mainly... | Transient. Casual to very rare in spring (eight records), and very rare in late summer/fall (about ... | Most breeding sites are generally off-limits to birders on military reservations (especially at Fort... | * to ** | 2025-02-04 |
Varied Thrush | Ixoreus naevius | This Far Western thrush was an embarrassing "miss" or "hole" on the North Carolina bird list for man... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SA | G5 | Two records. One was photographed at Airlie Gardens (New Hanover) on 3 Feb 2024 (Chat 88:43)... | Casual; five records. An adult female was seen on three dates between 19 and 29 Dec 2005 near Hills... | Accidental. An adult male was photographed in Fletcher (Henderson) on 1 Feb 2010* (Chat 74:6... | | 1/2* | 2025-02-04 |
Wood Thrush | Hylocichla mustelina | The Wood Thrush is one of the characteristic breeding birds of the Eastern deciduous forest. Its ra... | Breeder | Definitive | | | S4B | G4 | Summer resident, strongly declining. Formerly (prior to perhaps 2000) common across most of the pro... | Summer resident, strongly declining. Formerly common, to even very common in some areas; now only u... | Summer resident, declining. Formerly common up to about 4,500 feet, and scarce to 5,000 feet; now o... | Before 2000, this was a "gimme", but now it can be missed in a morning of birding even in prime habi... | *** | 2025-02-04 |
Swainson's Thrush | Catharus ustulatus | The Swainson's Thrush is another thrush that nests across the boreal forest zone of Canada, south in... | Breeder | Definitive | SR | | S1B | G5 | Transient. In spring, uncommon in the western portion, but rare in the central and eastern portions... | Transient. Uncommon to fairly common across the region, both in spring and fall; probably more nume... | Very rare summer resident, almost certainly breeding (both pre-1900 and after a lapse of over 100 ye... | Finding the species in migration is always "chancey", so you need to bird at parks or refuges in the... | ** to *** | 2025-02-04 |
Brown-headed Nuthatch | Sitta pusilla | The Brown-headed Nuthatch, the Red-cockaded Woodpecker, and the Bachman's Sparrow are the signature ... | Breeder | Definitive | | | S5 | G4 | Permanent resident; nonmigratory. Common in the Sandhills and other areas in the southern portions ... | Permanent resident; nonmigratory. Common along the extreme eastern and southern portions, but mostl... | Scarce permanent resident; apparently nonmigratory. Formerly did not occur/breed in the province; f... | This species is almost always found in a morning of birding in Longleaf Pine forests. Weymouth Wood... | **** | 2025-02-04 |
Cave Swallow | Petrochelidon fulva | Hardly any bird has expanded its breeding range in the United States in recent years as has the Cave... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Fall transient, and straggler into early winter, essentially along the coast; greatly increasing in ... | Accidental to casual, with three records: a single bird seen at Troutman (Iredell) on 20 Dec ... | Casual in migration, with reports having yet to be reviewed by the NC BRC. One was photographed and... | There are no consistent spots for seeing fall and early winter migrants, as they can be seen flying ... | * to ** | 2025-02-04 |
Northern Shrike | Lanius borealis | This Far Northern species formerly ranged routinely in winter to New Jersey and Pennsylvania, tantal... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SA | G5 | Accidental. One immature male collected at Pea Island on 9 December 1909 was noted by T.G. Pearson ... | No records. | Accidental. There are two reports from Christmas Bird Counts near the Nathan's Creek community (... | | 1/2* | 2025-02-04 |
Loggerhead Shrike | Lanius ludovicianus | The Loggerhead Shrike was historically rare to absent as a breeding species in the East, but with th... | Breeder | Definitive | SC | | S3B,S3N | G4 | Permanent resident, with migratory movements. Nests east to about Roanoke Rapids, Washington, and W... | Permanent resident, with slightly noticeable migratory movements. Formerly (prior to about 1975) ne... | Transient and winter visitor/resident, and likely former breeder. Now a very rare transient in the ... | Your best bet is to drive secondary roads in Robeson or Scotland counties, where the s... | ** to *** | 2025-02-04 |
Red-eyed Vireo | Vireo olivaceus | The Red-eyed Vireo is the most common breeding bird of the Eastern deciduous forest, and this commen... | Breeder | Definitive | | | S5B | G5 | Summer resident. Very common over most of the province, though less numerous close to the coast, an... | Summer resident. Very common across the region. Mainly mid-Apr to mid-Oct. The only known winter r... | Summer resident. Very common at lower to middle elevations, up to 4,000 feet; less numerous to abou... | No tips needed. | **** | 2025-02-04 |
Warbling Vireo | Vireo gilvus | The Warbling Vireo, along with the Red-eyed Vireo, has the most extensive breeding range of any vire... | Breeder | Definitive | SR | | S2B | G5 | Transient, and possible accidental breeder. Very rare in both spring and fall. Records are increasin... | Transient (mainly in spring), and scarce summer resident. In spring, rare in the western half, and ... | Summer resident and transient. Uncommon in summer in the New River area of Ashe and Alleg... | Though a scarce bird in the state, driving roads that parallel or cross the South Fork New River, wi... | *** | 2025-02-04 |
Philadelphia Vireo | Vireo philadelphicus | This is the only Eastern vireo that does not nest in North Carolina. Instead, the Philadelphia Vireo... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient, essentially only in fall; very sparse in spring. In fall, rare along the coast, and very... | Transient, records clearly increasing in recent years. Rare to uncommon (and easily overlooked) acr... | Transient; more numerous in this province in both spring and fall than downstate. Records increasing... | Jackson Park in Hendersonville in the latter part of September provides a decent chance to see the s... | * to ** | 2025-02-04 |
Vermilion Flycatcher | Pyrocephalus rubinus | The Vermilion Flycatcher's normal range extends from the southwestern United States far into South A... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Casual to very rare, mainly along the coast. One immature male was seen at Nags Head (Dare) ... | No records. | No records. | 1/2* | | 2025-02-03 |
Say's Phoebe | Sayornis saya | The Say's Phoebe breeds over much of the Western United States and Western Canada, but it withdraws ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Very rare fall migrant/stray, occasionally lingering into the winter; 16 records. One was seen near ... | Casual; five or six records. One was seen near Raleigh on 23 Oct 1965 (Chat 30:28), (Chat 54:56). A... | Accidental. One was photographed at Jackson Park (Henderson) on 19 Sep 2023* (Chat 88:16), (... | The bird along Howerton Road in northeastern Guilford has been present for the past two falls... | * | 2025-02-03 |
Least Flycatcher | Empidonax minimus | The Least Flycatcher, as its name implies, is the smallest species of flycatcher in the Eastern Unit... | Breeder | Definitive | W | | S3B | G5 | Transient. Rare along and very close to the coast, but seemingly casual to very rare farther inland... | Transient. Rare in spring, and rare to uncommon in fall, across the region; most records are for th... | Summer resident. Very local, generally uncommon as a whole, but locally fairly common, and rare to ... | Good areas during the nesting season include the Highlands Country Club (Macon), Black Camp G... | ** to *** | 2025-02-03 |
Willow Flycatcher | Empidonax traillii | In 1973, the American Ornithologists' Union split Traill's Flycatcher into two "song type" species -... | Breeder | Definitive | W | | S3B | G5 | Transient. Poorly known because of difficulty of identification. Very rare to rare (probably) alon... | Transient, and sparse summer resident. Rare and local breeder in scattered sites in the western half... | Summer resident. Uncommon, to very locally fairly common, at lower elevations throughout the region... | Good places to look for the species are to drive along roads that parallel the New River, or the Sou... | *** | 2025-02-03 |
Alder Flycatcher | Empidonax alnorum | Prior to 1973, Alder and Willow flycatchers were considered as a single species -- Traill's Flycatch... | Breeder | Definitive | SR | | S2B | G5 | Transient. Status very poorly known, but apparently casual to (at best) very rare. There are only ... | Transient; apparently very rare. Very poorly known, though possibly regular in both spring and fall... | Summer resident; breeding, mainly above 3,500 feet elevation. Generally uncommon and local, with th... | Some of the better sites for finding the species are the road to the Shining Rock Wilderness and Bla... | *** | 2025-02-03 |
Olive-sided Flycatcher | Contopus cooperi | The Olive-sided Flycatcher has a very wide breeding range, in the boreal forests from Alaska to Labr... | Former Probable Breeder | Definitive | W | | SU | G4 | Transient. Very rare in fall, and casual/accidental in spring; only about 17 records. Two of the on... | Transient. Rare in both spring and fall, across the region. Primarily from early May to late May, w... | Transient and former summer resident, with current "breeding" status undetermined. Many scattered re... | This bird is too rare to expect to see one. Your best bet is to drive roads in the mountains, especi... | * | 2025-02-03 |
Western Kingbird | Tyrannus verticalis | The Western Kingbird history in North Carolina is a sad one. Back in the 1960's and early 1970's, o... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Fall transient, regularly lingering into early winter; declining, at least in fall. Along the coast... | Essentially only a fall stray/transient. Casual to very rare, with only about 15 records. Eight of ... | Casual. Five records: four in fall (two in Aug and two in Sep). The report of two birds in Ashe... | Try driving NC 12 down the Outer Banks in fall, a day or two after a strong cold front. A bird coul... | * | 2025-02-03 |
Tropical Kingbird | Tyrannus melancholicus | This abundant Neotropical species ranges north to extreme southern Texas and southern Arizona. Howev... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Casual stray. There are seven records, five in fall or early winter: one near Fairfield (Hyde | No records. | No records. | When birding along and near the coast, be aware of any kingbird with yellow underparts. A few decad... | 1/2* | 2025-02-03 |
Ash-throated Flycatcher | Myiarchus cinerascens | The Ash-throated Flycatcher is a Western species, breeding from southern Washington to Texas. Like ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Greatly increasing in late fall and winter near the coast; late autumn migrant/visitor, with birds a... | Now a very rare visitor. Two sight reports are from the Raleigh area: one on 16 May 1973 (Chat 39:4... | Accidental. One videotaped in Henderson on 28 Oct 1999 is the only record for the mountains.... | There have now been numerous recent records at Alligator River NWR, and somewhat fewer near Pungo La... | * to ** | 2025-02-03 |
Monk Parakeet | Myiopsitta monachus | The Monk Parakeet is a native of South America, being found from the southern Amazon Basin to centra... | Probable breeder; Introduced | Not Established List | | | SE | G5 | Casual, and apparent former breeder. Up to two were seen in Kill Devil Hills, Dare, 19-28 Sep... | Casual visitor, and possible former breeder. A nest-building bird was photographed at Farmington, Casual visitor, and accidental breeder. The species bred for several years in Buncombe in the... | The pair in Brunswick County was fairly reliably seen for well over a year, and this was the best pl... | * | 2025-02-03 | |
Northern Saw-whet Owl | Aegolius acadicus | The smallest owl in eastern North America, the Northern Saw-whet Owl usually requires a special sear... | Breeder | Definitive | T | | S2B,S2N | G5 | Winter visitor or resident. Status is poorly known, but generally rare (to possibly locally uncommo... | Winter visitor. Very rare (or at least very rarely reported) in the northeastern portion, with abou... | Breeder in the higher elevations; winter resident over most of the region. Uncommon to fairly commo... | To find the species in the state, it is obviously more advantageous to try for it on the breeding gr... | ** | 2025-02-03 |
Short-eared Owl | Asio flammeus | The Short-eared Owl is the owl species most likely to be seen flying about in daylight hours, as a f... | Accidental Breeder | Definitive | W | | SUB,S3N | G5 | Winter resident, and probable accidental/casual breeder. In winter, uncommon (to sporadically and l... | Winter visitor. Very rare to rare, mainly from early Nov to late Mar; a preponderance of records we... | Winter visitor. Very rare in the southern mountains, with 10 records, seven from Hooper Lane in ... | A good technique for locating likely spots for Short-eareds is to find marshes or grasslands th... | ** | 2025-02-03 |
American Barn Owl | Tyto alba | The American Barn Owl is a completely nocturnal feeder; thus, its presence in a given area can be di... | Breeder | Definitive | SC | | S2S3B,S3N | G5 | Permanent resident, with migratory movements; noticeably declining (since around 1970). Along the c... | Permanent resident, probably with migratory movements; certainly declining. Rare to locally uncommo... | Permanent resident, likely with migratory movements; presumed declining. Rare in valleys in the sou... | American Barn Owls must be searched for intentionally. You are not likely to stumble upon them in g... | * to ** | 2025-02-03 |
Rough-legged Hawk | Buteo lagopus | North Carolina lies at and just south of the regular wintering range of the Rough-legged Hawk, meani... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Winter visitor. Rare in the Tidewater area, mainly at Alligator River NWR; very rare to rare along ... | Winter visitor, with at least 31 reports. Very rare, with a concentration of records in the Raleigh... | Winter visitor, with at least 19 reports. Very rare in the extreme northern counties (such as Al... | Since about 2000, one to occasionally two birds have been seen at the extensive farm fields at Allig... | * to ** | 2025-02-03 |
Swainson's Hawk | Buteo swainsoni | Though the Swainson's Hawk is a Western species, like the Broad-winged Hawk almost the entire breedi... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Formerly casual transient to the coast and Tidewater areas, but since about 2005, now very rare, wit... | Casual visitor. Three reports, two accepted -- of birds seen overhead: one adult, Lake Benson (W... | No records. | Because a number of records have recently come from Alligator River NWR, this is the only place in t... | * | 2025-02-03 |
Broad-winged Hawk | Buteo platypterus | The Broad-winged Hawk is famous for its strongly migratory habits, as it completely leaves the Unite... | Breeder | Definitive | | | S4B | G5 | Migrant, and very scarce summer resident; declining. Rare to uncommon spring and fall migrant, over... | Summer resident and migrant, but declining in recent years. Mostly uncommon migrant (spring and fal... | Summer resident and migrant, slightly declining. In summer, uncommon to fairly common, and reasonab... | If you visit a hawk-watch site in the mountains in fall, such as Pilot Mountain, you might be able t... | *** | 2025-02-03 |
Swallow-tailed Kite | Elanoides forficatus | Arguably the most spectacular bird of prey in the world, especially when seen in flight, the Swallow... | Breeder | Definitive | SR | | S1B | G5 | Annual visitor, mainly in spring along and near the coast, and breeder at a few sites in the souther... | Very rare to rare, but increasing, visitor in the warmer months, surprisingly mostly to the western/... | Very rare, but increasing, visitor in the warmer months; about 30 records, with five coming in fall ... | Birders can usually spot one to several birds, along with some Mississippi Kites, either close to th... | ** | 2025-02-03 |
Roseate Spoonbill | Platalea ajaja | Hardly any bird is more easily identified than the Roseate Spoonbill. This tropical breeder nests no... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Post-breeding visitor and stray, mostly to the coast; greatly increasing in recent years. Now rare ... | Formerly accidental to casual, but now very rare to rare and increasing, post-breeding visitor, with... | Casual post-breeding visitor, with all records from 2018 (Chat 82:112). Singles were seen on the Fr... | Increasing annually now, and can now be tracked down to see, as some have lingered for a while, espe... | * to ** | 2025-02-03 |
White-faced Ibis | Plegadis chihi | The White-faced Ibis is the Western counterpart of the Glossy Ibis, and it also nests along the Gulf... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Casual (and certainly overlooked) visitor, but records increasing; most records from Mattamuskeet NW... | One record: one in breeding plumage photographed (photos on the CBC Photo Gallery) at Lake Brandt (<... | No records. | With the multiple records now from Mattamuskeet NWR, essentially at the impoundments south of Lake M... | * | 2025-02-03 |
Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus | The history of the Glossy Ibis is somewhat the reverse of that of the White Ibis. Though it also is... | Breeder | Definitive | SC | | S1S2B | G5 | Breeding summer resident along the coast, but sparse (and declining) in winter; post-breeding visito... | Migrant and post-breeding visitor. Rare in the eastern portion (mainly in the Jordan and Falls lake... | Casual to very rare visitor; with only seven known reports. One seen at Altamont (Avery) on 1... | This species has been somewhat more difficult to find along the coast in the spring to fall seasons ... | *** | 2025-02-03 |
Western Cattle-Egret | Ardea ibis | This formerly Old World species has a most unusual history in the New World. "Cattle Egrets" appare... | Breeder | Definitive | | | S4B | G5 | Summer resident and transient, and straggler in winter, but generally absent by late winter. Fairly... | Transient and post-breeding visitor; records declining in recent years. Rare in the eastern countie... | Transient, at low (to rarely middle) elevations. Very rare, mainly early Apr to early Jul; casual t... | Unlike other waders, the Western Cattle-Egret is seen mostly in pastures, but it may be seen in lawn... | ** to *** | 2025-02-03 |
Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax | The Black-crowned Night Heron is our only truly nocturnal waterbird. Birds roost in thickets, usual... | Breeder | Definitive | W | | S3B,S3N | G5 | Permanent resident coastally, and a transient inland. Along the coast, fairly common to locally com... | Transient and post-breeding visitor; accidental breeder (in 2022-24). Rare and secretive, mostly in... | Transient and post-breeding visitor. Rare at low elevations in the southern counties; very rare in ... | This species is usually found along the coast at any season, but you might need to wait around tidal... | *** | 2025-02-03 |
Snowy Egret | Egretta thula | The elegant Snowy Egret has, sadly, shown an alarming decline in numbers along the East Coast since ... | Breeder | Definitive | SC | | S2S3B,S3N | G5 | Permanent resident along the coast, being migratory and thus more numerous in spring, late summer, a... | Transient, but primarily a post-breeding visitor. Rare to uncommon in the eastern portion (mainly a... | Transient and post-breeding visitor. Very rare in the lower elevations (generally below 2,500 feet)... | Though clearly declining, you should have little trouble finding the species along the immediate coa... | **** | 2025-02-03 |
Brown Pelican | Pelecanus occidentalis | This species is one of the most familiar of all of the state's birds to the layman, as everyone know... | Breeder | Definitive | SR | | S3B,S4N | G4 | Permanent resident, with migratory movements; breeding. Common to very common, though local, breede... | Very rare visitor. At least 28 reports, mostly at large reservoirs (about one-third of these from F... | Accidental/casual. Four reports (all single birds); Waynesville, 6 Aug 1979; Lake Junaluska (Hay... | None needed; easily found along and near coastal areas. | **** | 2025-02-03 |
American White Pelican | Pelecanus erythrorhynchos | This spectacular and huge species, which nests in the Great Plains and the Western states, has under... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S1N | G4 | Migrant and winter visitor, most frequent along the northern coast and Tidewater; increasing. Coast... | Rare (but increasing) migrant and winter visitor, and possible winter resident at one site. Most ar... | Very rare migrant, with at least 12 records, nearly all from the southern mountains; records and num... | In recent years, the impoundments at Pea Island have small groups, sometimes numbering over 100 bird... | *** to **** | 2025-02-03 |
Great Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo | The Great Cormorant is still another species that greatly increased in the East over the past severa... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S1N | G5 | Declining in recent years. Winter resident and visitor along the coast, but only in very small numb... | Very rare migrant and winter visitor. About 13 records, all at reservoirs in the eastern and centra... | No records. | The species is reliably seen at just a few places along the NC coast. Your best bet is at Wrightsvi... | *** | 2025-02-03 |
Anhinga | Anhinga anhinga | The Anhinga is still another of the Pelicaniform species that has increased noticeably in the state ... | Breeder | Definitive | W | | S3B | G5 | Breeding summer resident, increasing. Nests at least locally, scattered over most of the province, e... | Mostly a nonbreeding migrant/visitor; increasing. Now (2024) a casual but increasing breeder in the ... | Casual visitor. One was seen from a hawk watch at Mount Pisgah (Buncombe), 21 Sep 2003; one ... | The spillway at Orton Pond is probably the best site in the state. Birds can also be seen at Twin L... | *** | 2025-02-03 |
Brown Booby | Sula leucogaster | The Brown Booby was until a few years ago a rarer bird off our coast than the Masked Booby, even tho... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Nonbreeding visitor, mainly offshore in the Gulf Stream, but there are quite a few records from shor... | Casual, with five records. An adult female was seen and photographed on many dates at Lookout Shoal... | No records. | As with other rare pelagic species, you will have to take dozens of trips out of Oregon Inlet or Hat... | * | 2025-02-03 |
Magnificent Frigatebird | Fregata magnificens | The Magnificent Frigatebird is a common coastal bird of subtropical and tropical waters around the w... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Nonbreeding visitor, almost always in flight over the immediate coast or over estuaries; seldom seen... | Accidental/casual to the eastern edge of the province, with just three records: one seen and later p... | Accidental, and remarkably for the winter season. An adult female was photographed over Ecusta Pond... | North Carolina averages about three to five reports of this species per year, most often in July or ... | * | 2025-02-03 |
Great Shearwater | Ardenna gravis | In 2010, the American Ornithologists' Union changed the common name of Greater Shearwater to Great S... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S3N | G5 | Offshore visitor, mainly to the Gulf Stream. Generally fairly common, to at times common in midsumm... | No records. | No records. | This shearwater is best seen by taking a chartered birding trip to the Gulf Stream off Oregon or Hat... | *** | 2025-02-03 |
Sooty Shearwater | Ardenna grisea | The Sooty Shearwater is one of the most abundant birds in the world, as it occurs nearly worldwide, ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Offshore visitor, though frequently seen from shore, especially at Cape Hatteras Point and elsewhere... | Accidental visitor, but with no confirmation as yet. One seen at Falls Lake (Wake/Durham) af... | Accidental visitor; one record, a specimen found at Twin Oaks, Alleghany, Aug 1939 (Auk 65:14... | To find this species, you must make a conscious effort to look for it within its one-month window. ... | ** to *** | 2025-02-03 |
Cape Verde Shearwater | Calonectris edwardsii | This eastern Atlantic species has recently been split from Cory's Shearwater. The Cape Verde Shearw... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SA | GNR | Accidental, if not casual (and overlooked), offshore visitor. The sole documented record, with mult... | No records. | No records. | | 1/2* | 2025-02-03 |
Scopoli's Shearwater | Calonectris diomedea | The Scopoli's Shearwater was split off from Cory's Shearwater by the AOS (formerly AOU) in 2024; it ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S3N | GNR | Offshore visitor, being uncommon to at times common in the warmer months, from May into Oct, and per... | No records. | No records. | You will want or need to take an organized pelagic trip to see this, as photographs might be require... | ** to *** | 2025-02-03 |
Fea's Petrel | Pterodroma feae | The Fea's Petrel, as with the Trindade Petrel, has a checkered taxonomic history and has also underg... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G1G2 | Offshore visitor. Distribution is very similar to that of the Trindade Petrel, however it is very s... | No records. | No records. | Fortunately for the birder, the records for the species are mostly clumped into a one-month span; th... | * to ** | 2025-02-03 |
Bermuda Petrel | Pterodroma cahow | The Bermuda Petrel is the rarest of the four Pterodroma petrels found somewhat regularly off ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | E | SZ | G1 | Offshore visitor. Very rare, but now seen almost annually, though no records from 2010-2012. Occur... | No records. | No records. | As with all Pterodroma petrels, you need to get far offshore, taking organized pelagic trips ... | * | 2025-02-03 |
Royal Tern | Thalasseus maximus | The Royal Tern is the common large tern along the coast of the state for most of the year; however, ... | Breeder | Definitive | | | S4B,S4N | G5 | Permanent resident (breeding), with migratory movements, along the coast. Common to very common alo... | Essentially only a storm-related visitor, in late summer and fall, to lakes and reservoirs. Very rar... | Accidental/casual: one record. Three were photographed at Glenville Lake (Jackson) on 27 Sep... | Easily found along the coast from Mar to Nov, but less so in winter. | **** | 2025-01-30 |
Forster's Tern | Sterna forsteri | The Forster's Tern is the only tern that remains relatively common along the coast of North Carolina... | Breeder | Definitive | W | | S3B,S5N | G5 | Permanent resident, with migratory movements; primarily coastal. Fairly common breeder around the p... | Transient. Rare spring migrant and uncommon fall migrant at larger lakes and reservoirs, occasional... | Transient, essentially only in the southern mountains. Rare (to occasionally uncommon) in spring, a... | Forster's are the most commonly seen terns from late Oct through Mar along our coast, and except dur... | **** | 2025-01-30 |
Arctic Tern | Sterna paradisaea | To see this species in North Carolina, one must take a pelagic trip in late spring, or less likely i... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient, essentially offshore. Offshore -- uncommon in spring, and rare in fall; status in fall w... | Very rare storm-carried visitor. Eight records: one at a parking lot in Shelby on 22 Sep 1989 (after... | No records. | Your best bet, by far, is to take a pelagic trip out of Oregon or Hatteras inlets in the latter half... | * to ** | 2025-01-30 |
Common Tern | Sterna hirundo | Until about 20 years ago, the common name of this species (Common Tern) was quite appropriate in Nor... | Breeder | Definitive | E | | S2B | G5 | Summer resident (breeding) and transient along the coast, and transient inland. Fairly common to at... | Transient. Rare in spring, and rare to at times uncommon in fall, at larger lakes and reservoirs; h... | Transient. Casual in spring, and very rare in fall, at lakes in the southern mountains; about 11 re... | It is still rather easily found from May into the fall along the coast, at least along the Outer Ban... | *** | 2025-01-30 |
Roseate Tern | Sterna dougallii | The Roseate Tern is one of the more elegant and graceful of the tern species, and because it is a gl... | Accidental Breeder | Definitive | E | E | SHB | G4 | Transient and summer visitor coastally and offshore. In the warmer months, rare along the northern ... | No records. | No records. | The most likely spot to find this species used to be in the tern colony at Cape Hatteras Point, but ... | * to ** | 2025-01-30 |
Black Tern | Chlidonias niger | This is one of the few tern species in the state that is just a migrant, without a breeding or winte... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G4G5 | Transient, though small numbers can be seen coastally during summer. Along the coast -- formerly fa... | Transient. Very rare in spring and uncommon in fall, mainly at lakes/reservoirs; casual to very rar... | Transient. Accidental/casual in spring, with the only records being one along the New River at Pine... | Formerly, swarms of Black Terns could be seen by the dozens hawking insects over the marshes and imp... | *** | 2025-01-30 |
Gull-billed Tern | Gelochelidon nilotica | Of all of the breeding species in North Carolina, few are as strongly declining over the past decade... | Breeder | Definitive | T | | S1S2B | G5 | Breeding summer resident, along and near the coast. Uncommon to fairly common -- fairly common prio... | Accidental/casual, presumably a storm-carried visitor, but whether these reports were actually relat... | Accidental, after storms. One in the Mills River area (Henderson) on 17 Sep 2004 (Chat 69:52... | A few Gull-billed Terns can be usually be seen at Pea Island, at Fort Fisher, and at many areas alon... | ** to *** | 2025-01-30 |
Least Tern | Sternula antillarum | The smallest tern in North America, the Least Tern is a familiar yet slowly declining breeding speci... | Breeder | Definitive | SC | | S3B | G4 | Breeding summer resident along the coast; declining until a few years ago, but recently has increase... | Primarily a storm-carried visitor. Very rare at reservoirs, mainly during and after hurricanes; abo... | No records. | This species is not usually missed on coastal birding trips from May through Aug, though it isn't qu... | *** | 2025-01-30 |
Sooty Tern | Onychoprion fuscatus | The Sooty Tern is sometimes considered to be the most abundant bird in the world, it being found com... | Sporadic Breeder | Definitive | W | | SHB,S3N | G5 | Mainly a pelagic visitor in the warmer seasons, but a sporadic breeder (at least formerly). Mostly ... | Storm-carried visitor to the eastern portion of the province, plus three records for the southern po... | Casual storm-carried visitor. All but one record (of different birds?) came after the passage of Hu... | Offshore, this species is normally less numerous than the Bridled Tern. The best times to look for ... | ** | 2025-01-30 |
Heermann's Gull | Larus heermanni | The thought of a strictly West Coast gull species like Heermann's Gull showing up along the Atlantic... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SA | G4 | Three to roughly seven records (see above), all along the coast, though possibly the same adult indi... | No records. | No records. | | 1/2* | 2025-01-30 |
Franklin's Gull | Leucophaeus pipixcan | The Franklin's Gull, the "cousin" of the Laughing Gull, does not breed along the ocean coasts, but i... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Visitor/transient, essentially along the coast, and mostly in fall. Coastally, casual in spring, wi... | Very rare visitor, now at least 20 records. Accidental in spring, with the only record being of one... | Very rare visitor to the southern portion of the province. Nine records: 1 at Hooper Lane (Hender... | The species is too rare to intentionally search for. However, birders should be aware of the specie... | * | 2025-01-30 |
Laughing Gull | Leucophaeus atricilla | Historically, the Laughing Gull was North Carolina's only breeding gull species; however, in recent ... | Breeder | Definitive | | | S4B | G5 | Breeding summer resident and migrant, and early winter resident. Coastally, very common to abundant... | Transient, at larger reservoirs. Generally rare in spring and in fall migrations, at times locally u... | Transient. Very rare during spring (12 records) and fall (mostly after storms/ hurricanes), essenti... | It takes no effort whatsoever to find the species along the coast from Mar through Nov. | **** | 2025-01-30 |
Black-legged Kittiwake | Rissa tridactyla | The Black-legged Kittiwake is one of just two (along with the Sabine's) essentially pelagic gulls th... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S1N | G5 | Winter resident offshore; clearly declining. From the late 1990's to about 2005, generally fairly c... | Casual in late fall, with four accepted records: an immature seen and photographed at Beaverdam Rese... | Accidental: an immature was seen and photographed at Lake Julian (Buncombe) on the remarkably... | If you take a pelagic trip from Cape Hatteras northward during the winter, you now have about a 50% ... | ** | 2025-01-30 |
Long-tailed Jaeger | Stercorarius longicaudus | The Long-tailed Jaeger is certainly one of the most elegant of the "pelagic birds", and an adult wit... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient, essentially offshore. Rare to uncommon during a brief period in late spring, and rare ov... | Casual visitor. Three records: one found dead under a TV tower near Raleigh on 26 Aug 1960; an adult... | No records. | This species is best seen by taking a pelagic trip to the waters of the Gulf Stream in the latter ha... | * to ** | 2025-01-29 |
Wilson's Phalarope | Phalaropus tricolor | The Wilson's Phalarope nests in the western half of the continent, at lakes, ponds, and other wetlan... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient, mainly along the coast; declining over the past 20 years. Coastally, very rare in spring... | Transient. Casual in spring migration, with only four reports -- 30 Mar, and 1-18 May (no Apr recor... | Transient, mainly known from Henderson, where casual to very rare in each season. Records fro... | The species could formerly be found with some regularity only at the Pea and Bodie island ponds; now... | * to ** | 2025-01-29 |
Solitary Sandpiper | Tringa solitaria | Solitary Sandpipers often forage with Spotted Sandpipers across the breadth of North Carolina during... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient. Uncommon near and along the northern and central coast, such as the Outer Banks, though ... | Transient. Fairly common essentially across the province. Primarily from early Apr to late May, and... | Transient. Fairly common at lower elevations (below 3,500 feet), and much reduced in numbers at hig... | This species is reasonably widespread as a migrant. Ponds or lakes with a little bit of muddy shore... | *** | 2025-01-29 |
Long-billed Dowitcher | Limnodromus scolopaceus | For much of the last century, the Long-billed Dowitcher was a very poorly known species, most likely... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S2N | G5 | Transient and winter resident; mainly along the coast and at Mattamuskeet NWR and vicinity. Coastal... | Transient. Accidental to casual in spring (three reports), very rare to locally rare (at Falls and ... | Transient; casual or accidental. The only reports are one photographed at Osceola Lake (Henderso... | You should be able to find the species in mid- to late fall at the impoundments at Pea and Bodie isl... | *** | 2025-01-29 |
Baird's Sandpiper | Calidris bairdii | The Baird's Sandpiper is the rarest of the five non-accidental "peep" species in North Carolina, and... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient. Casual in spring, and rare to locally uncommon in fall, mainly along the coast. Four sp... | Transient. Rare in fall, mainly at the larger reservoirs (when mudflats are present). Flights are e... | Transient, though essentially only in low elevation valleys in Henderson, and single records ... | In mid-autumn, the impoundments at Pea and Bodie islands, and the tidal pool at Cape Hatteras point,... | * to ** | 2025-01-29 |
Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria interpres | Except for the closely related Black Turnstone of the Pacific Coast, the Ruddy Turnstone is a rather... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S3N | G5 | Transient and winter resident, mainly along the coast. Common migrant along the coast, though seldo... | Transient. Very rare in spring, and rare in fall, mainly at large reservoirs. In spring, only in M... | Transient. Very rare in spring and fall, with all records from Henderson except for a single... | Turnstones are widespread along the coast, at least during the migrations, and are easily found, exc... | **** | 2025-01-29 |
Hudsonian Godwit | Limosa haemastica | The Hudsonian Godwit has an unusual migration pattern. It migrates from its central and southern So... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G4 | Transient. Casual in spring, nearly only at Bodie/Pea Islands only; the only other spring report wa... | Casual fall transient (only in the eastern and central portions), with four records: 1, Falls Lake, ... | Accidental fall transient; two records -- 3 at Hooper Lane (Henderson), 8 Sep 2004* (after Tr... | Look for them in Sep and Oct, especially after periods of strong NE winds. North Pond at Pea Island... | ** | 2025-01-29 |
Bar-tailed Godwit | Limosa lapponica | This Eurasian shorebird has appeared along the East Coast much more often than the Black-tailed Godw... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G4 | Very rare visitor, with four spring and 12+ fall reports, all from the coast, plus one in winter. T... | No records. | No records. | As the species has been seen now for at least eight consecutive falls (2016-23) at the eastern end o... | * | 2025-01-29 |
Upland Sandpiper | Bartramia longicauda | The Upland Sandpiper is one of the more unusual shorebirds in North America. It is monotypic, with ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient; declining. In spring, rare in inland portions, and very rare farther eastward (Tidewater... | Transient; declining. Formerly rare in spring, but now very rare to rare (few recent spring records... | Transient; probably declining. Rare and local in spring, very rare in fall; essentially all records... | Uplands are best located in the fall from late Jul to early Sep, along the coast. The grasslands ar... | ** | 2025-01-29 |
American Golden-Plover | Pluvialis dominica | Unlike its slightly larger cousin, the Black-bellied Plover, the American Golden-Plover is a good fi... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient. Very rare in spring, rare but regular in fall, along the entire coast, particularly the O... | Transient. Casual in spring (only about four records), rare but annual in fall, over most of the pr... | Transient, but nearly all records are from Hooper Lane/Mills River area in Henderson, where v... | The species is best located in Sep and Oct, especially after cold fronts. A few birds are present e... | * to ** | 2025-01-29 |
American Avocet | Recurvirostra americana | Over most of the world, various species of stilts (genus Himantopus) and avocets (genus Re... | Accidental Breeder | Definitive | | | S1N | G5 | Winter resident and migrant, coastally; accidental breeder, along the coast. Fairly common to commo... | Transient. Rare fall migrant, and accidental/casual spring migrant, with most records from larger r... | Transient. Very rare southbound migrant in summer and fall, with 13 known records: 1, Cashiers (... | The only reliable spots are the impoundments at Pea Island NWR and less so at the adjacent Bodie Isl... | *** | 2025-01-29 |
Sandhill Crane | Antigone canadensis | The Sandhill Crane is one of the largest birds, in terms of size (standing about 4 feet tall), and t... | Accidental Breeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient and winter visitor/resident, mainly along the coast and in tidewater areas; increasing. A... | Transient and winter visitor. Very rare (formerly) to rare (now), increasing in recent years. Reco... | Transient, mainly overhead; sparingly in winter. Rare to possibly uncommon migrant in the extreme s... | Small groups are now wintering at several Coastal Plain sites -- Pungo refuge, around the margins of... | ** to *** | 2025-01-29 |
Limpkin | Aramus guarauna | The Limpkin breeds locally over much of the Neotropics, ranging north to Florida, and a few are now ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Casual to now very rare (ten records), nearly all in the southern Coastal Plain. One seen along the... | Greatly increasing post-breeding(?) visitor, though still very rare to rare; now (2025) about 25 rec... | Very rare visitor, increasing. Five reports: One was seen and photographed at Owen Park in Ashevil... | Your best hope of finding one in NC by chance would be to paddle along a blackwater river in the sou... | * | 2025-01-29 |
Purple Gallinule | Porphyrio martinicus | The beautiful Purple Gallinule has always been at the northeastern periphery of its breeding range i... | Breeder | Definitive | SR | | S1B | G5 | Sparse and irregular visitor, and erratic breeding summer resident; casual to very rare in winter, a... | Stray (about 10 records). Casual in migration; mainly May-Jun. Two other records: 1, Camp Grayston... | Accidental stray (three records): 1 found in emaciated condition, Hazelwood (Haywood), 18 Apr... | Formerly, one could see the Purple Gallinule from the causeway at Orton Plantation. However, the ve... | * | 2025-01-29 |
Virginia Rail | Rallus limicola | Only a few decades ago, relatively little was understood of the Virginia Rail's habitats and range i... | Breeder | Definitive | W | | S3B,S5N | G5 | Permanent resident near the coast, with migratory movements; mostly a transient farther inland. As a... | Mostly a transient, but scattered summer and winter records, where status at these two seasons is un... | Poorly known transient (about 21 reports), with two known breeding records, and several reports of p... | The descending grunting call is easily heard in migration and winter in tidewater marshes, especiall... | *** | 2025-01-29 |
Clapper Rail | Rallus crepitans | The Clapper Rail is, by far, the easiest rail to see in the state and is the most characteristic bir... | Breeder | Definitive | | | S4 | G5 | Permanent resident along the coast (tidal marshes); casual migrant elsewhere. Common to very common... | Very rare transient in the eastern half of the province, but no records yet for the western portions... | No records. | The species is easily heard calling at dawn or dusk, and sporadically during the day and night, in m... | **** | 2025-01-29 |
Rufous Hummingbird | Selasphorus rufus | The Rufous Hummingbird is the state's second-most numerous hummingbird, and though it breeds in the ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G4 | Transient and winter visitor. Very rare along the coast and in the Tidewater zone, mainly at feeders... | Transient and winter visitor. Very rare to rare (essentially only at feeders) across the province, ... | Fall transient and winter visitor, but primary in the fall season. Very rare to now rare, and mainl... | One has a reasonable chance to see one during the year, but only by visiting a feeder with a known b... | * to ** | 2025-01-29 |
Black-chinned Hummingbird | Archilochus alexandri | With the advent of hummingbird feeders left up year-round, and not simply taken down in fall when th... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Winter visitor, essentially only at feeders in towns. Rare along the southern half of the coast, an... | Winter visitor. Very rare, with at least 12 records -- Charlotte (two records), Gastonia, Bethania ... | Accidental. One record: an immature male was seen at Brevard on 14 Dec 2002 (Chat 67:69). | One has a fair chance to see the species in a given year, by visiting a feeder with one reported (an... | * | 2025-01-29 |
White-throated Swift | Aeronautes saxatalis | This is a Western species that is strongly migratory, wintering in the far southwestern states and i... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SA | G5 | One record (see above). | No records. | No records. | | 1/2* | 2025-01-29 |
Common Nighthawk | Chordeiles minor | The Common Nighthawk has undergone a considerable decline as a breeding species in the eastern Unite... | Breeder | Definitive | W | | S3B | G5 | Breeder and migrant; declining. In the breeding season, variously uncommon to locally fairly common... | Breeder and migrant; strongly declining and becoming nearly extirpated as a nesting bird in the prov... | Scarce breeder (if not now absent), and migrant; declining. In the nesting season, apparently restr... | You often must make some effort to see a nighthawk in the state. Normally, you will see them in ver... | ** to *** | 2025-01-29 |
White-winged Dove | Zenaida asiatica | The White-winged Dove is a common and well-known migratory game bird from Texas west to Arizona. Ho... | Accidental Breeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Transient, and accidental to casual breeder, mainly coastally. Formerly, a very rare to rare fall m... | Casual to very rare visitor; nine published records, scattered over the region. Most are of single ... | Accidental; two reports -- neither yet reviewed by the NC BRC. One seen at Brevard College (Tran... | Driving around Beaufort might yield a White-winged Dove. Otherwise, one to several typically turn u... | * to ** | 2025-01-29 |
Eurasian Collared-Dove | Streptopelia decaocto | The Eurasian Collared-Dove is the latest of the relatively few species (along with Rock Pigeon, Euro... | Breeder; Introduced | Definitive | | | SE | G5 | Breeding, permanent resident; nonmigratory though possibly nomadic; increasing. Locally uncommon to... | Breeding permanent resident, but mainly in the southern and western Piedmont. Surprisingly scarce in... | Scarce and poorly documented breeding permanent resident in low elevations. Relatively few records,... | Not hard to find by driving around side streets of Morehead City, Beaufort, and Harkers Island -- al... | *** | 2025-01-29 |
Eared Grebe | Podiceps nigricollis | The Eared Grebe also breeds, like the Red-necked and Horned grebes, in some Prairie pothole lakes an... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Winter visitor and transient, and sporadic winter resident at Goldsboro. Rare but annual along the e... | Winter visitor and transient. Very rare to rare on the larger reservoirs, and very rare elsewhere; s... | Casual to very rare transient in the southern mountains. Records are of single birds at Brevard, 10 ... | It was formerly seen each fall and winter at the Goldsboro sewage ponds; however, reports have been ... | * | 2025-01-29 |
Red-breasted Merganser | Mergus serrator | The Red-breasted Merganser is one of the state's most common wintering waterfowl species, it being e... | Accidental Breeder | Definitive | | | S5N | G5 | Winter resident, and accidental breeding resident. Common to locally abundant in the Tidewater and ... | Transient and winter visitor. Rare to occasionally uncommon in fall and winter, and uncommon in spr... | Transient and winter visitor. Rare to occasionally uncommon in fall and winter, but more frequent (... | The species is practically impossible to miss in a day of birding around salt or brackish water in w... | **** | 2025-01-29 |
Common Goldeneye | Bucephala clangula | Unlike the closely related Bufflehead, this winter resident can be difficult to find in the state, w... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S3N | G5 | Winter visitor/resident; decreasing in recent years. Along the coast and in Tidewater, generally no... | Winter visitor. Rare in most areas, though at times it increases to uncommon during severe weather ... | Winter visitor. Very rare to rare, mainly to larger lakes in the southern mountains; early Dec to m... | Sadly, you cannot expect to find it anywhere with any assurance in the state now, but it might be se... | * to ** | 2025-01-29 |
Harlequin Duck | Histrionicus histrionicus | The Harlequin Duck is the third of the three "jetty/pier" sea ducks (along with the two eiders) that... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G4 | Rare winter visitor along the immediate coast, and very rare in estuarine waters of bays and sounds.... | Accidental; a single record, an immature male seen at Lake Brandt (Guilford) on 18 Feb 2007*,... | No records. | The finding tips are essentially the same as for eiders. Look especially under the southern end of ... | * | 2025-01-29 |
Common Eider | Somateria mollissima | There are perhaps four to five times as many records of the Common Eider in the state as for the Kin... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | SZ | G5 | Winter visitor, with records increasing in recent years. Rare along the entire coast (though no rec... | No records. | No records. | You should carefully check around jetties, piers, and bridges. Also check the Oregon Inlet groin an... | * to ** | 2025-01-29 |
Greater Scaup | Aythya marila | Of our regular wintering waterfowl, the range and abundance of the Greater Scaup is more difficult t... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S2N | G5 | Winter visitor/resident. Uncommon along the northern half of the coast and in Tidewater; rare to un... | Transient and winter visitor. Rare over most of the province, occurring almost solely on large lake... | Transient and winter visitor. Rare in the southern mountains, from Buncombe southward. Casua... | This can be a difficult bird to find and identify. Nowhere does it occur in NC in any numbers, and ... | ** to *** | 2025-01-29 |
Redhead | Aythya americana | As with the Canvasback, the Redhead had suffered continental population declines in recent decades, ... | Nonbreeder | Definitive | | | S3N | G5 | Winter resident. Generally uncommon along the northern coast and in the Tidewater area, south to Co... | Winter visitor/resident. Rare to locally uncommon, mostly in the eastern portion of the province. G... | Winter visitor; rare to locally uncommon, essentially at lower elevations (below 3,000 feet). Mainly... | One or two dense flocks winter on South Pond, New Field, and/or North Pond at Pea Island, and thus t... | *** to **** | 2025-01-29 |