Birds of North Carolina:
their Distribution and Abundance
The 100 most recent account entries/updates.
Painted BuntingPasserina cirisThe adult male Painted Bunting is certainly the gaudiest-colored of North American songbirds. Thank...BreederDefinitiveSCS3BG5Summer resident along the southern coast, and sparingly near the South Carolina border at least inla...Very rare (but increasing) visitor, scattered over the year; a few reports of males singing on terri...Casual visitor. The only known records are one at a feeder in Asheville, 9-12 Mar 2004; a female or...Should be easily found along the southern coast in late Apr, May, and Jun, at places such as Fort Ma...*** to ****2024-08-06
Blue GrosbeakPasserina caeruleaThe Blue Grosbeak breeds across the southern half to two-thirds of the United States, and winters in...BreederDefinitiveS5BG5Summer resident, with a few winter records. Common in summer across most of the province, but can b...Summer resident, with about 15 winter records. Common over the eastern and central portions, and fa...Summer resident at low elevations; little migratory movement through the region. In summer, uncommo...None needed in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain.****2024-08-06
Summer TanagerPiranga rubraThe Summer Tanager is a characteristic bird of the Deep South, nesting north only to southern New Je...BreederDefinitiveS5BG5Summer resident, and winter straggler. Common in the southern half of the region, from the Croatan ...Summer resident, with a few winter records. Fairly common to common over most of the region, more n...Sparse summer resident, with little migratory movement noted. Uncommon in the extreme southwestern ...None needed in the southern Coastal Plain, such as in the Sandhills Game Land, Weymouth Woods Preser...****2024-08-06
Townsend's WarblerSetophaga townsendiThis close relative of the Black-throated Green Warbler breeds only from Alaska to the northwestern ...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG5Casual visitor, mainly in fall, with ten to twelve published reports. Four have been reviewed and ac...No records.The only record is of a first-year female photographed at the Richland Balsam Overlook, along the <...1/2*2024-08-06
Bay-breasted WarblerSetophaga castaneaThe Bay-breasted Warbler has a similar breeding range to that of the Cape May Warbler and the Tennes...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Transient. In spring, very rare along the western edge, and very rare to rare near and along the co...Transient. In spring, rare to uncommon in the western half, and rare in the eastern half of the reg...Transient. In spring, rare to uncommon in the lower elevations, and rare at middle elevations. In ...You should be able to see the species in fall in late Sep or early Oct along the Blue Ridge Parkway ...***2024-08-06
Tennessee WarblerLeiothlypis peregrinaIn 2010, the American Ornithologists' Union moved several warblers out of the genus Vermivora...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Transient. In spring, very rare in the region (about 13 reports -- 3 in 2021). In fall, generally ...Transient. In spring, very rare to rare in the eastern portion, and rare farther west. In fall, fa...Transient. In spring, rare to uncommon, mainly in valleys and elsewhere below about 3,500 feet. In...The species is difficult to miss on a day of birding in the mountains during much of September, such...*** to ****2024-08-06
Swainson's WarblerLimnothlypis swainsoniiThe Swainson's Warbler was once considered one of the rarest of warblers in the country. This perce...BreederDefinitiveS3S4BG4Summer resident. Breeds over essentially all of the region, as far west as Weldon (Halifax) ...Summer resident (sparingly), and scarce transient. In summer, uncommon and somewhat local along the...Summer resident, increasing/spreading in range. Breeds most frequently along the Blue Ridge Escarpm...Despite it not being common anywhere, you should be able to hear one to several in Alligator River N...***2024-08-06
Prothonotary WarblerProtonotaria citreaThe Prothonotary Warbler has often been called the "Golden Swamp Warbler", with good reason -- the m...BreederDefinitiveS5BG5Summer resident. Breeds over the entire province, even sparingly on the Outer Banks. Common to ver...Summer resident. Fairly common in the eastern and southern portions of the region, especially aroun...Scarce transient. Rare transient in spring, and very rare in fall. In early summer, a few reports ...The species is impossible to miss along Coastal Plain rivers in the breeding season. Good areas are...****2024-08-06
Shiny CowbirdMolothrus bonariensisThe Shiny Cowbird, common and widespread in the Neotropics, spread northward through the West Indies...Accidental BreederDefinitiveSZG5Scarce visitor, and apparent breeder at one site in 2017. Essentially near the coast in the warmer ...Accidental, though none yet accepted by the NC BRC. There are two reports: one from Winston-Salem o...No records.Your best bet is to check any cowbirds you see close to the southern coast in the warmer months, par...*2024-08-06
Bullock's OrioleIcterus bullockiiThe Bullock's Oriole is the western counterpart to the Baltimore Oriole. Originally classified as s...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Very rare winter visitor; most records prior to 2010; however, there were four records during the 20...Very rare winter visitor. There are about 16 records, with 8-9 birds over-wintering. Records are s...No records.Your first Bullock's Oriole will likely be seen at someone's feeder.*2024-08-06
Yellow-headed BlackbirdXanthocephalus xanthocephalusThe Yellow-headed Blackbird is practically a "waterbird", in that in its nesting range in the upper ...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Sparse transient and winter visitor. Rare in fall along the immediate coast, more so along the Oute...Very rare visitor. There are only about 16 reports from the province -- six from late summer to ear...Very rare visitor. There are only about 10 reports from the mountains, all since 1988. All but one...The Yellow-headed Blackbird is a difficult bird to find in the state. When birding along the coast ...*2024-08-06
Harris's SparrowZonotrichia querulaThis largest of all sparrows has a rather narrow migration route, from its northwestern Canada borea...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Casual (only in recent years) near the coast, in migration. One adult was seen at Cape Lookout (...Casual. One immature was found at Beaverdam Reservoir (Wake) on 21 Nov 1976 (Chat 42:60); on...Casual. One immature male was collected in the Mills River Valley (Buncombe) on 13 Mar 1933 ...1/2*2024-08-06
Clay-colored SparrowSpizella pallidaThe Clay-colored Sparrow was primarily a "Western"/Midwestern" species until a few decades ago. How...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Transient, and sparse winter resident, mainly near the coast. In fall, rare to uncommon along the c...Transient, essentially in fall and winter. Very rare in fall and winter (about 21 records in fall a...Transient. Very rare in fall, winter, and spring, nearly all records in low elevations in the south...Your best bet is probably Fort Fisher in Sep and Oct. A few were being seen semi-regularly in winte...* to **2024-08-06
Lark SparrowChondestes grammacusThe Lark Sparrow, as with the Vesper Sparrow, is by itself in a monotypic genus; no other sparrow is...BreederDefinitiveSRS1BG5Sparse summer resident, transient, and winter straggler. In summer, rare and local, only in the San...Transient. Casual to very rare in spring, and very rare in fall; scattered over the region. Mainly...Transient. Casual to very rare in spring (eight records), and very rare in late summer/fall (about ...Most breeding sites are generally off-limits to birders on military reservations (especially at Fort...* to **2024-08-06
Lapland LongspurCalcarius lapponicusThis is the only one of the four species of longspur that is not of accidental occurrence in the sta...NonbreederDefinitiveS1NG5Winter visitor, and possibly winter resident (regular from winter to winter) in a few areas. Rare to...Winter visitor. Very rare to rare across the region, with no regular wintering sites. Certainly oc...Winter visitor. Very rare, essentially in lower elevations in wide valleys, though four were seen a...Though a scarce bird in the state, a diligent birder can at times find the species over a several-da...* to **2024-08-06
Red CrossbillLoxia curvirostraThe Red Crossbill is another of the erratic "winter finches" in the East. Unlike with most of these...BreederDefinitiveSCS3B,S3NG5Winter visitor, and apparently accidental breeder; declining. Currently, very rare to rare across t...Winter visitor, and accidental breeder; declining. Currently, rare and erratic in winter; formerly ...Summer resident at higher elevations, and winter visitor to all of the region. In summer, rare to l...Though the species is erratic in summer, it has been somewhat regular in recent years at Mount Mitch...**2024-08-06
Red-breasted NuthatchSitta canadensisThe Red-breasted Nuthatch is the only one of the four nuthatches in North America that is strongly m...BreederDefinitiveWS3B,S4NG5Fall transient and winter visitor (little northbound movement noted); very erratic from year to year...Fall transient and winter visitor (little northbound movement noted); very erratic from year to year...Summer resident and winter visitor; very erratic outside the breeding season. In summer, fairly com...The birds are too erratic in fall, winter, and spring to offer tips; thus, look for them in summer. ...***2024-08-06
Black-capped ChickadeePoecile atricapillusThe Black-capped Chickadee is one of the most common and familiar species to people in Canada and th...BreederDefinitiveSCS3G5No records.No confirmed records. There are the occasional reports of "Black-capped Chickadees" from the provinc...Permanent resident, apparently with no migratory movements (though birds do move slightly down-slope...If you are coming from most of the state to look for the species, stop first at overlooks along the ...***2024-08-06
Fish CrowCorvus ossifragusUnlike the American Crow, the Fish Crow is poorly known to the layman -- "There are two kinds of cro...BreederDefinitiveS5B,S5NG5Permanent resident over most of the area, with migratory movements. Generally, common to locally ve...Summer resident, remaining into late fall, and sparingly winters in the eastern portions; still slow...Greatly increasing visitor; a recent arrival, since 2006. Likely now breeding at a few places, but p...Easy to find, and not local, in the breeding season, in most of the Coastal Plain, especially around...****2024-08-06
Black-whiskered VireoVireo altiloquusFor a species that nests in the West Indies and north to the western and southern coasts of Florida,...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Now a very rare overshooting stray along and near the coast, in spring; a remarkable 15+ records so ...No records.No records.If one is birding along the southern coastline in May or early June, especially on islands, it doesn...*2024-08-06
Warbling VireoVireo gilvusThe Warbling Vireo, along with the Red-eyed Vireo, has the most extensive breeding range of any vire...BreederDefinitiveSRS2BG5Transient, and possible accidental breeder. Very rare in both spring and fall. Records are increasin...Transient (mainly in spring), and scarce summer resident. In spring, rare in the western half, and ...Summer resident and transient. Uncommon in summer in the New River area of Ashe and Alleg...Though a scarce bird in the state, driving roads that parallel or cross the South Fork New River, wi...***2024-08-06
Philadelphia VireoVireo philadelphicusThis is the only Eastern vireo that does not nest in North Carolina. Instead, the Philadelphia Vireo...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Transient, essentially only in fall; very sparse in spring. In fall, rare along the coast, and very...Transient. Rare to uncommon (and easily overlooked) across the province in fall, and very rare in s...Transient; more numerous in this province in both spring and fall than downstate. Uncommon in fall,...Jackson Park in Hendersonville in the latter part of September provides a decent chance to see the s...* to **2024-08-05
Alder FlycatcherEmpidonax alnorumPrior to 1973, Alder and Willow flycatchers were considered as a single species -- Traill's Flycatch...BreederDefinitiveSRS2BG5Transient. Status very poorly known, but apparently casual to (at best) very rare. There are only ...Transient; apparently very rare. Very poorly known, though possible regular in both spring and fall...Summer resident; breeding, mainly above 3,500 feet elevation. Generally uncommon and local, with th...Some of the better sites for finding the species are the road to the Shining Rock Wilderness and Bla...***2024-08-05
Olive-sided FlycatcherContopus cooperiThe Olive-sided Flycatcher has a very wide breeding range, in the boreal forests from Alaska to Labr...Former Probable BreederDefinitiveWSUG4Transient. Very rare in fall, and casual/accidental in spring; only about 17 records. Two of the on...Transient. Rare in both spring and fall, across the region. Primarily from early May to late May, w...Transient and former summer resident, with current "breeding" status undetermined. Many scattered re...This bird is too rare to expect to see one. Your best bet is to drive roads in the mountains, especi...*2024-08-05
Gray KingbirdTyrannus dominicensisThe Gray Kingbird is somewhat the Southern version of the Eastern Kingbird, being mainly a bird of F...Accidental BreederDefinitiveSZG5Stray/transient, essentially along the coast, and accidental/casual breeder. As a visitor, very rar...Casual. There are only three records, from Umstead State Park (Wake) on 16 Apr 1959 (Chat 23...No records.This is a long shot, but your best bet is to drive roads along the southern coastal islands, in late...*2024-08-05
Western KingbirdTyrannus verticalisThe Western Kingbird history in North Carolina is a sad one. Back in the 1960's and early 1970's, o...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Fall transient, regularly lingering into early winter; declining, at least in fall. Along the coast...Essentially only a fall stray/transient. Casual to very rare, with only about 15 records. Eight of ...Casual. Four records: three in fall (one in Aug and two in Sep). The report of two birds in Ash...Try driving NC 12 down the Outer Banks in fall, a day or two after a strong cold front. A bird coul...*2024-08-05
Ash-throated FlycatcherMyiarchus cinerascensThe Ash-throated Flycatcher is a Western species, breeding from southern Washington to Texas. Like ...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Greatly increasing in late fall and winter near the coast; late autumn migrant/visitor, with birds a...Casual to perhaps now very rare stray/visitor. Two sight reports are from the Raleigh area: one on ...Accidental. One videotaped in Henderson on 28 Oct 1999 is the only record for the mountains....There have now been numerous recent records at Alligator River NWR, and somewhat fewer near Pungo La...* to **2024-08-05
Crested CaracaraCaracara plancusThe Crested Caracara is essentially a non-migratory "falcon" of dry grasslands, prairies, ranchlands...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG5Three accepted records, one record pending review, and two other non-accepted reports (see above).No records.No records.1/2*2024-08-05
Red-cockaded WoodpeckerDryobates borealisFew birds in the state, and in the Southeast, have declined as strongly over the past 50 or more yea...BreederDefinitiveEES2G3Permanent resident; nonmigratory. Formerly over nearly the entire province, except absent along bar...Former permanent resident. The species was present in very small numbers as a permanent resident in ...No records.The species is quite local, and because it is very habitat-specific, it can be targeted easily at pl...***2024-08-05
Short-eared OwlAsio flammeusThe Short-eared Owl is the owl species most likely to be seen flying about in daylight hours, as a f...Accidental BreederDefinitiveWSUB,S3NG5Winter resident, and probable accidental/casual breeder. In winter, uncommon (to sporadically and l...Winter visitor. Very rare to rare, mainly from early Nov to late Mar; a preponderance of records we...Winter visitor. Very rare in the southern mountains, with nine records, six from Hooper Lane in ... A good technique for locating likely spots for Short-eareds is to find marshes or grasslands th...**2024-08-05
Snail KiteRostrhamus sociabilisThis rare (Federally listed) species is normally found only from central Florida southward, and is m...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG4G5Two accepted records, and two additionals report that have yet to be voted on (see above).No records.No records.1/2*2024-08-05
Mississippi KiteIctinia mississippiensisMississippi Kites are a major success story in North Carolina and elsewhere in their breeding range,...BreederDefinitiveS3BG5Summer resident, breeding; increasing in recent decades. Occurs primarily close to brownwater river...Increasing stray or overshooting migrant, as well as a post-breeding visitor; breeds at a few local ...Rare migrant/visitor (increasing) in the southern mountains (about 30 records). Very rare north of <...Visiting the Lock and Dam #1 area or the NC 11 bridge over the Cape Fear River has been consistently...***2024-08-05
Swallow-tailed KiteElanoides forficatusArguably the most spectacular bird of prey in the world, especially when seen in flight, the Swallow...BreederDefinitiveSRS1BG5Annual visitor, mainly in spring along and near the coast, and breeder at a few sites in the souther...Very rare to rare, but increasing, visitor in the warmer months, surprisingly mostly to the western/...Very rare, but increasing, visitor in the warmer months; about 26 records, with five coming in fall ...Birders can usually spot one to several birds, along with some Mississippi Kites, either close to th...**2024-08-05
Yellow-crowned Night HeronNyctanassa violaceaThough the Yellow-crowned Night Heron can be somewhat nocturnal, it frequently forages during the da...BreederDefinitiveSRS2BG5Summer resident and transient. Generally uncommon along most of the coast, but fairly common at lea...Transient, post-breeding visitor, and sparse breeder. Rare and local throughout, and no records for...Transient. Very rare, and only in the lower mountains, mostly from Henderson; nearly all rec...Areas where they can be seen somewhat regularly are the Twin Lakes ponds on the mainland part of Sun...**2024-08-05
Glossy IbisPlegadis falcinellusThe history of the Glossy Ibis is somewhat the reverse of that of the White Ibis. Though it also is...BreederDefinitiveSCS1S2BG5Breeding summer resident along the coast, but sparse (and declining) in winter; post-breeding visito...Migrant and post-breeding visitor. Rare in the eastern portion (mainly in the Jordan and Falls lake...Casual to very rare visitor; with only seven known reports. One seen at Altamont (Avery) on 1...This species has been somewhat more difficult to find along the coast in the spring to fall seasons ...***2024-08-05
Least BitternBotaurus exilisThe Least Bittern is just as shy as its larger cousin, the American Bittern, but because it is much ...BreederDefinitiveSCS2S3BG5Summer resident and migrant; a handful of winter records. Occurs nearly throughout the Tidewater an...Transient and scarce summer resident. Rare (and easily overlooked) transient, and rare and local br...Casual to very rare transient, and perhaps has nested on rare occasions in the Hendersonville area. ...Most of the better sites are difficult for birders to reach. It is reportedly common as a breeder a...**2024-08-05
American White PelicanPelecanus erythrorhynchosThis spectacular and huge species, which nests in the Great Plains and the Western states, has under...NonbreederDefinitiveS1NG4Migrant and winter visitor, most frequent along the northern coast and Tidewater; increasing. Coast...Rare (but increasing) migrant and winter visitor, and possible winter resident at one site. Most ar...Very rare migrant, with at least 12 records, nearly all from the southern mountains; records and num...Fortunately for the birder, individuals of this species often linger for a month or more in NC. Form...*** 2024-08-05
Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carboThe Great Cormorant is still another species that greatly increased in the East over the past severa...NonbreederDefinitiveS1NG5Declining in recent years. Winter resident and visitor along the coast, but only in very small numb...Very rare migrant and winter visitor. About 13 records, all at reservoirs in the eastern and centra...No records.The species is reliably seen at just a few places along the NC coast. Your best bet is at Wrightsvi...***2024-08-05
Double-crested CormorantNannopterum auritumHardly any bird in North Carolina has increased in recent decades as dramatically as has the Double-...BreederDefinitiveSRS1B,S5NG5Permanent resident, but breeding only at two or three sites. Coastally, abundant during migration a...Migrant and winter resident, with some birds all summer, increasing as non-breeders; formerly bred a...Year-round visitor. Generally uncommon but increasing, in the southern mountains (mainly Buncomb...None needed. Spectacular concentrations of 10,000 or more individuals can be seen in winter in Hatt...****2024-08-05
AnhingaAnhinga anhingaThe Anhinga is still another of the Pelicaniform species that has increased noticeably in the state ...BreederDefinitiveWS3BG5Breeding summer resident, increasing. Nests at least locally, scattered over most of the province, e...Nonbreeding migrant/visitor; increasing. Casual but likely increasing breeder (or probable breeder) ...Casual visitor. One was seen from a hawk watch at Mount Pisgah (Buncombe), 21 Sep 2003; one ...The spillway at Orton Pond is probably the best site in the state. Birds can also be seen at Twin L...***2024-08-05
Magnificent FrigatebirdFregata magnificensThe Magnificent Frigatebird is a common coastal bird of subtropical and tropical waters around the w...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Nonbreeding visitor, almost always in flight over the immediate coast or over estuaries; seldom seen...Accidental/casual to the eastern edge of the province, with just three records: one seen and later p...Accidental, and remarkably for the winter season. An adult female was photographed over Ecusta Pond...North Carolina averages about three reports of this species per year, most often in July or August o...*2024-08-05
Wood StorkMycteria americanaThe Wood Stork is probably the most significant wader in the state, because it is a Federally listed...BreederDefinitiveTTS1B,S1NG4Summer resident and post-breeding visitor, greatly increasing; rare straggler in winter, though perh...Post-breeding visitor, greatly increasing. Formerly very rare to now locally rare, mainly from Jun ...Post-breeding visitor; very rare to now rare in the southern and central mountains, with about 15 re...The species can almost always be found around the margins of the two freshwater ponds at Twin Lakes,...*** to ****2024-08-05
Manx ShearwaterPuffinus puffinusThough the Manx Shearwater is not a rare pelagic species in North Carolina waters, it wasn't until t...NonbreederDefinitiveS1NG5Offshore transient and winter visitor, but at times seen from shore. Generally uncommon, from Dec t...No records.No records.The several winter pelagic trips that are currently taken off Hatteras or Oregon inlets often produc...**2024-08-05
Fea's PetrelPterodroma feaeThe Fea's Petrel, as with the Trindade Petrel, has a checkered taxonomic history and has also underg...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG1G2Offshore visitor. Distribution is very similar to that of the Trindade Petrel, however it is very s...No records.No records.Fortunately for the birder, the records for the species are mostly clumped into a one-month span; th...* to **2024-08-05
Bermuda PetrelPterodroma cahowThe Bermuda Petrel is the rarest of the four Pterodroma petrels found somewhat regularly off ...NonbreederDefinitiveESZG1Offshore visitor. Very rare, but now seen almost annually, though no records from 2010-2012. Occur...No records.No records.As with all Pterodroma petrels, you need to get far offshore, taking organized pelagic trips ...*2024-08-05
Red-billed TropicbirdPhaethon aethereusUntil the mid- or late 1990's, there were very few state records of the spectacular Red-billed Tropi...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Offshore visitor. Rare in the Gulf Stream, and less regular than White-tailed, from spring to fall;...No records.No records.Seeing a Red-billed Tropicbird on an organized pelagic trip is simply a matter of luck, though there...*2024-08-05
Caspian TernHydroprogne caspiaThe Caspian Tern is the largest tern in the world, and it is also one of the most wide-ranging, as i...BreederDefinitiveTS1B,S2NG5Permanent resident (and sparse breeder), with migratory movements, along the coast; transient inland...Transient. Uncommon though regular in both spring and fall at larger lakes/reservoirs, but very rar...Transient. Rare, in the southern mountains only (Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, and Transyl...Caspian Terns can usually be found along most coastal areas in late summer and fall, especially arou...***2024-08-05
Least TernSternula antillarumThe smallest tern in North America, the Least Tern is a familiar yet slowly declining breeding speci...BreederDefinitiveSCS3BG4Breeding summer resident along the coast; declining until a few years ago, but recently has increase...Primarily a storm-carried visitor. Very rare at reservoirs, mainly during and after hurricanes; abo...No records.This species is not usually missed on coastal birding trips from May through Aug, though it isn't qu...***2024-08-05
Glaucous GullLarus hyperboreusThe very large Glaucous Gull is quite similar to the Iceland Gull in plumage patterns and general ra...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Winter visitor, mainly coastal. Rare to locally and occasionally uncommon (mainly at Cape Hatteras ...Winter visitor. Casual to now very rare (about 12 records) in the Triangle area and around Greensbo...No records.Finding tips are similar to that for Iceland Gull. The gull concentrations at Cape Hatteras Point u...* to **2024-08-05
Lesser Black-backed GullLarus fuscusHardly any other gull species' status in North Carolina has changed as rapidly over the last 20-30 y...NonbreederDefinitiveS3NG5Winter visitor/resident, greatly increasing in recent years. Formerly (prior to about 1990), rare a...Winter visitor/resident. Rare to locally uncommon, but greatly increasing, at large lakes and landf...Casual. The only records are a first-year bird photographed at the Hooper Lane Sod Farms (Hender...This species is easy to find in the large gull flocks that congregate at Cape Hatteras Point from la...*** to ****2024-08-05
Iceland GullLarus glaucoidesThe Iceland Gull is one of the more subtly "beautiful" of the gulls, it being somewhat dainty, thoug...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Winter visitor, essentially coastal, with a preponderance of records from Cape Hatteras and offshore...Winter visitor; very rare, primarily to the eastern edge of the province.

Kumlien's: Very rare...

No records.To find Iceland Gulls (both taxa), you must have patience and some knowledge of gull identification,...* to **2024-08-05
Atlantic PuffinFratercula arcticaThe Atlantic Puffin is one of the most charismatic waterbirds in North America, very popular with th...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Winter visitor/resident, essentially only offshore; greatly increasing in recent years. Formerly ve...No records.No records.Take a pelagic trip out of Hatteras or Oregon inlets in winter. In recent winters, several trips usu...**2024-08-05
RazorbillAlca tordaBy far the most numerous alcid in North Carolina waters is the Razorbill, and thankfully for all of ...NonbreederDefinitiveS2NG5Winter resident offshore and coastally, increasing. Formerly (prior to 1995) rare along the coast, ...No records.No records.The Razorbill is now seldom missed on winter pelagic trips, but on some trips the birds are infreque...***2024-08-05
Common MurreUria aalgeFor a seemingly interminable time, North Carolina went without a record of this very common alcid. ...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Very scarce, but greatly increasing, winter visitor offshore and along the coast; now rare (to local...No records.No records.The increase in sightings in the past decade is gratifying for pelagic birders, but whether this sig...**2024-08-05
Parasitic JaegerStercorarius parasiticusThough the Parasitic Jaeger is probably more numerous globally than the Pomarine Jaeger, in our wate...NonbreederDefinitiveS1NG5Transient, and poorly-known winter visitor/resident, to the offshore zone and the inshore ocean. Un...Visitor to lakes and reservoirs, mostly storm-related. Casual to very rare, with seven records: 1 a...No records.This species can be seen from shore almost anywhere along the coast, though Cape Lookout and Cape Ha...**2024-08-05
Red-necked PhalaropePhalaropus lobatusThe Red-necked Phalarope and the Red Phalarope are the two pelagic shorebirds, and to see both in th...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG4G5Transient, primarily offshore. Generally a fairly common offshore migrant in both spring and fall, ...Transient. Very rare to rare, in both spring and fall, usually seen only during and after storms, an...Transient. Casual/very rare in spring; the only records are 1 in Linville (Avery) on 17-18 M...Take a pelagic trip out of Hatteras or Oregon inlets -- either in the latter part of May, or in the ...**2024-08-05
Wilson's PhalaropePhalaropus tricolorThe Wilson's Phalarope nests in the western half of the continent, at lakes, ponds, and other wetlan...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Transient, mainly along the coast; declining over the past 20 years. Coastally, very rare in spring...Transient. Casual in spring migration, with only four reports -- 30 Mar, and 1-18 May (no Apr recor...Transient, mainly known from Henderson, where casual to very rare in each season. Records fro...The species could formerly be found with some regularity only at the Pea and Bodie island ponds; now...* to **2024-08-05
Short-billed DowitcherLimnodromus griseusAmong the most difficult identification problem facing birders is the separation of the two dowitche...NonbreederDefinitiveS4NG5Transient and winter resident, mainly along the coast. Common to abundant spring and fall migrant a...Transient. Very rare in spring, and rare to often uncommon (though local) in fall. Mainly early an...Transient, mainly in Henderson and Transylvania. Very rare in spring and in fall, at ...This species is hard to miss along the coast during the migrations.****2024-08-05
SanderlingCalidris albaThe Sanderling is one of the most familiar shorebirds to birders and the layman alike, as it scamper...NonbreederDefinitiveS5NG5Transient and winter resident, essentially along the coast. Common to abundant and widespread along...Transient. Very rare in spring, and rare to locally uncommon in fall, with many more records in "dr...Transient. Casual in spring: one at Hooper Lane (Henderson) on 1 May 1999; one photographed a...Easily found on ocean beaches over most of the year.****2024-08-05
Stilt SandpiperCalidris himantopusThough the Stilt Sandpiper is a species in the genus Calidris, it looks hardly anything like ...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Transient, mainly along the coast. Uncommon in spring, and often fairly common to common in fall, a...Transient. Casual spring migrant, and rare to locally uncommon fall migrant (more numerous when ext...Transient. Casual to very rare in spring, and very rare in fall, with all but two published records...In Aug or early Sep, one has a good chance to see them at the impoundments at Pea or Bodie islands; ...** to ***2024-08-05
Hudsonian GodwitLimosa haemasticaThe Hudsonian Godwit has an unusual migration pattern. It migrates from its central and southern So...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG4Transient. Casual in spring, nearly only at Bodie/Pea Islands only; the only other spring report wa...Casual fall transient (only in the eastern and central portions), with four records: 1, Falls Lake, ...Accidental fall transient; two records -- 3 at Hooper Lane (Henderson), 8 Sep 2004* (after Tr...Look for them in Sep and Oct, especially after periods of strong NE winds. North Pond at Pea Island...**2024-08-05
Bar-tailed GodwitLimosa lapponicaThis Eurasian shorebird has appeared along the East Coast much more often than the Black-tailed Godw...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG4Very rare visitor, with four spring and 10+ fall reports, all from the coast, plus one in winter. T...No records.No records.As the species has been seen now for at least six consecutive falls (2016-21) at the eastern end of ...*2024-08-05
Pacific Golden-PloverPluvialis fulvaOne of the more remarkable shorebird records for the state was the discovery of a Pacific Golden-Plo...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG5Six or seven records, nearly all presumably of the same individual (see above) seen annually from 20...No records.No records.Nearly all records have come in late summer or early fall from the sand and mud flats around the Sal...1/2*2024-08-02
American Golden-PloverPluvialis dominicaUnlike its slightly larger cousin, the Black-bellied Plover, the American Golden-Plover is a good fi...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Transient. Very rare in spring, rare but regular in fall, along the entire coast, particularly the O...Transient. Casual in spring (only about four records), rare but annual in fall, over most of the pr...Transient, but nearly all records are from Hooper Lane/Mills River area in Henderson, where v...The species is best located in Sep and Oct, especially after cold fronts. A few birds are present e...* to **2024-08-02
Black-necked StiltHimantopus mexicanusThe Black-necked Stilt is one of the most unmistakable birds occurring in North Carolina, resembling...BreederDefinitiveSRS1BG5Summer resident and sparse migrant along the coast and in the Tidewater zone; casual to very rare in...Casual migrant or stray, mainly in late spring; 10 records. One was seen in Franklin on 5 Ju...Accidental, with two records. One was seen at Hooper Lane (Henderson) on 25 Sep 2004, presum...The best -- at least most accessible -- places to see this species are the impoundments at Pea Islan...***2024-08-02
Sandhill CraneAntigone canadensisThe Sandhill Crane is one of the largest birds, in terms of size (standing about 4 feet tall), and t...Accidental BreederDefinitiveSZG5Transient and winter visitor/resident, mainly along the coast and in tidewater areas; increasing. A...Transient and winter visitor. Very rare (formerly) to rare (now), increasing in recent years. Reco...Transient, mainly overhead; sparingly in winter. Rare to possibly uncommon migrant in the extreme s...There are typically one to several records in recent years from large fields in the lower Coastal Pl...**2024-08-02
Common GallinuleGallinula galeataThis species is a "cousin" of the Purple Gallinule, occurring in similar freshwater ponds, though th...BreederDefinitiveWS3B,S2NG5Permanent resident near the coast, but with strongly migratory movements; farther inland, very local...Scarce transient. Very rare to rare and easily overlooked transient (as birds tend to be secretive ...Scarce transient (only about 11 records). Very rare at low elevations in the southern mountains; la...Your best chances for seeing this species are along the southern coast, where more widespread than f...***2024-08-02
Virginia RailRallus limicolaOnly a few decades ago, relatively little was understood of the Virginia Rail's habitats and range i...BreederDefinitiveWS3B,S5NG5Permanent resident near the coast, with migratory movements; mostly a transient farther inland. As a...Mostly a transient, but scattered summer and winter records, where status at these two seasons is un...Poorly known transient (about 19 reports), with two known breeding records, and several reports of p...The descending grunting call is easily heard in migration and winter in tidewater marshes, especiall...***2024-08-02
King RailRallus elegansSlightly larger than the Clapper Rail, and the freshwater/inland counterpart of that species, the Ki...BreederDefinitiveWS3B,S3NG4Permanent resident near the coast, with migratory movements; status farther inland poorly understood...Poorly known, but transient and local summer resident (at least formerly, when there were scattered ...Accidental stray/migrant. Two records: one, downtown Asheville (grounded migrant), 25 Apr 2002; and...This species is somewhat local, and because freshwater marshes are spottily located in some areas of...**2024-08-02
Rufous HummingbirdSelasphorus rufusThe Rufous Hummingbird is the state's second-most numerous hummingbird, and though it breeds in the ...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG4Transient and winter visitor. Very rare along the coast and in the Tidewater zone, mainly at feeders...Transient and winter visitor. Very rare to rare (essentially only at feeders) across the province, ...Fall transient and winter visitor, but primary in the fall season. Very rare to now rare, and mainl...One has a reasonable chance to see one during the year, but only by visiting a feeder with a known b...* to **2024-08-02
Black-chinned HummingbirdArchilochus alexandriWith the advent of hummingbird feeders left up year-round, and not simply taken down in fall when th...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Winter visitor, essentially only at feeders in towns. Rare along the southern half of the coast, an...Winter visitor. Very rare, with at least 12 records -- Charlotte (two records), Gastonia, Bethania ...Accidental. One record: an immature male was seen at Brevard on 14 Dec 2002 (Chat 67:69).One has a fair chance to see the species in a given year, by visiting a feeder with one reported (an...*2024-08-02
Chuck-will's-widowAntrostomus carolinensisThis strictly nocturnal species is a characteristic breeding bird of our drier forest edges and open...BreederDefinitiveWS5BG5Breeding summer resident, and occasional winter visitor; apparently slowly declining. Generally com...Breeding summer resident. Fairly common but somewhat declining in the extreme eastern and southern ...Seemingly increasing in recent years. Probable breeding summer resident in very low elevation areas...Hearing this species is seldom a problem. Simply, drive around a little bit after dusk, or before d...***2024-08-02
Common Ground DoveColumbina passerinaThe Common Ground Dove is one of the few species that North Carolina has lost as a breeder in the pa...Former BreederDefinitiveSRSXBG5Formerly a permanent resident along the southern coast. At the present time (2023), a very rare to ...Casual to very rare visitor, with about 10 records. Records are for Raleigh, Jordan Lake, Falls Lake...Casual stray, with four records: 1 collected at Weaverville on 29 May 1891; 1 seen at Fairview (B...Currently, one must luck into one, or (of course) chase someone else's find.*2024-08-02
Eurasian Collared-DoveStreptopelia decaoctoThe Eurasian Collared-Dove is the latest of the relatively few species (along with Rock Pigeon, Euro...Breeder; IntroducedDefinitiveSEG5Breeding, permanent resident; nonmigratory though possibly nomadic; increasing. Locally uncommon to...Breeding permanent resident, but mainly in the southern and western Piedmont. Surprisingly scarce in...Scarce and poorly documented breeding permanent resident in low elevations. Relatively few records,...Not hard to find by driving around side streets of Morehead City, Beaufort, and Harkers Island -- al...***2024-08-02
Long-tailed DuckClangula hyemalisThis species was long known as the Oldsquaw, but its name was changed in recent years to conform to ...Nonbreeder DefinitiveS3NG5Winter resident, slightly declining in recent years. Fairly common in a rather small area of northw...Transient and winter visitor. Rare, mainly at large reservoirs in the eastern and central parts of ...Winter visitor. Very rare, with only six known records, all but one of single individuals: in Bu...To see Long-tailed Ducks in NC, you should take the Swan Quarter to Ocracoke ferry. The species is ...** to ***2024-08-02
Harlequin DuckHistrionicus histrionicusThe Harlequin Duck is the third of the three "jetty/pier" sea ducks (along with the two eiders) that...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG4Rare winter visitor along the immediate coast, and very rare in estuarine waters of bays and sounds....Accidental; a single record, an immature male seen at Lake Brandt (Guilford) on 18 Feb 2007*,...No records.The finding tips are essentially the same as for eiders. Look especially under the southern end of ...*2024-08-02
Greater ScaupAythya marilaOf our regular wintering waterfowl, the range and abundance of the Greater Scaup is more difficult t...NonbreederDefinitiveS2NG5Winter visitor/resident. Uncommon along the northern half of the coast and in Tidewater; rare to un...Transient and winter visitor. Rare over most of the province, occurring almost solely on large lake...Transient and winter visitor. Rare in the southern mountains, from Buncombe southward. Casua...This can be a difficult bird to find and identify. Nowhere does it occur in NC in any numbers, and ...** to ***2024-08-02
Northern PintailAnas acutaThe Northern Pintail is predominantly a coastal puddle duck, wintering in locally large numbers on s...Accidental Breeder DefinitiveS4NG5Winter resident. Fairly common to locally abundant along the northern coast and Tidewater, south to...Rare to uncommon transient, mainly in Oct-Nov and Feb-Mar; rare in midwinter. No regular wintering ...Rare winter visitor, generally at lower elevations. Essentially late Dec to mid-Feb, very rarely to ...This species can be seen by the hundreds to occasionally the thousands at a few places near the coas...****2024-08-02
Mottled DuckAnas fulvigulaThis is the only dabbling duck (excluding Wood Duck) that regularly nests as a natural population in...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG4A recent visitor, currently rare but records greatly increasing, to the southern half of the coast. ...One male was seen by multiple observers and photographed at Riverbend Park (Catawba), 24 Jul ...No records.Your best bet is to look at ponds at Twin Lakes in summer, fall, and winter. The large pond by the F...*2024-08-02
Ross's GooseAnser rossiiThe Ross's Goose is now a regular winter resident, in very small numbers, amid large flocks of Snow ...NonbreederDefinitiveS1NG4Winter resident. Rare to locally uncommon but increasing in winter -- regular at a few sites -- in ...Winter visitor. Formerly casual; now rare but greatly increasing, with about 55 records. Scattered ...Winter visitor. Rare, but greatly increasing, in the southern counties, with about 46 records. All...In the past few winters, the species has been seen, generally with Snow Geese, in fields near Pungo ...**2024-08-02
Black-bellied Whistling-DuckDendrocygna autumnalisThe Black-bellied Whistling-Duck is a rather recent stray and visitor to the state, mostly to the co...Sporadic BreederDefinitiveSZG5Now a rare to occasionally uncommon but strongly increasing visitor to the southern coastal areas an...Very rare but increasing; about 17 known records, though records should increase greatly over the ne...Very rare but increasing; about 7 records as of 2023. A flock of 12 was seen and photographed at th...The species is most likely to show up in the Twin Lakes area of Brunswick, based on closest p...**2024-08-02
Black-legged KittiwakeRissa tridactylaThe Black-legged Kittiwake is one of just two (along with the Sabine's) essentially pelagic gulls th...NonbreederDefinitiveS1NG5Winter resident offshore; clearly declining. From the late 1990's to about 2005, generally fairly c...Casual in late fall, with four accepted records: an immature seen and photographed at Beaverdam Rese...Accidental: an immature was seen and photographed at Lake Julian (Buncombe) on the remarkably...If you take a pelagic trip from Cape Hatteras northward during the winter, you now have about a 50% ...**2024-08-01
Bell's VireoVireo belliiThough the Bell's Vireo nests as far east as Illinois, there are relatively few records for the sout...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Very rare along and near the coast in fall and early winter. One was briefly seen and photographed ...Accidental, though unconfirmed for the province. There is a sight record at Zebulon (Wake) o...Accidental. One was seen and photographed on the Warren Wilson College grounds (Buncombe) fr...Be alert to this secretive bird in the fall near the coast, and keep a camera handy; it can be diffi...*2024-08-01
Western MeadowlarkSturnella neglectaAccidental. There are two accepted state records of singing Western Meadowlarks: one at Pea Island ...NonbreederProvisionalSAG5One record (see above).One record (see above).No records.1/2*2024-08-01
Lazuli BuntingPasserina amoenaThe Lazuli Bunting breeds in the western half of North America and winters mainly from Mexico southw...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG5Two accepted records (see above). One accepted record (see above); another from 2022 is to be reviewed.No confirmed records, but one under review.1/2*2024-08-01
Say's PhoebeSayornis sayaThe Say's Phoebe breeds over much of the Western United States and Western Canada, but it withdraws ...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Very rare fall migrant/stray, occasionally lingering into the winter; 14 records. One was seen near ...Casual; five or six records. One was seen near Raleigh on 23 Oct 1965 (Chat 30:28), (Chat 54:56). A...Accidental. One was photographed at Jackson Park (Henderson) on 19 Sep 2023* (Chat 88:16), (...The bird along Howerton Road in northeastern Guilford has been present for the past two falls...*2024-08-01
Tropical KingbirdTyrannus melancholicusThis abundant Neotropical species ranges north to extreme southern Texas and southern Arizona. Howev...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Casual stray. There are six records, four in late fall or early winter: one near Fairfield (Hyde...No records.No records.When birding along and near the coast, be aware of any kingbird with yellow underparts. A few decad...1/2*2024-08-01
Pacific LoonGavia pacificaThis Arctic breeding species winters essentially along the Pacific coast. For unknown reasons, the ...NonbreederDefinitiveS1NG5Winter visitor along the coast, and a winter resident (a handful of birds only) in a local area; man...Casual. Six records: one at L. Tahoma (McDowell) on 6 May 2007, in alternate plumage (Chat 71...Accidental. A single record: one photographed at Lake Julian (Buncombe) on 5-6 Jan 2012* (Ch...To look for this species, you must be prepared to carefully scrutinize loons on the ocean, with a sc...* to **2024-08-01
Arctic TernSterna paradisaeaTo see this species in North Carolina, one must take a pelagic trip in late spring, or less likely i...NonbreederDefinitiveSZG5Transient, essentially offshore. Offshore -- uncommon in spring, and rare in fall; status in fall w...Very rare storm-carried visitor. Eight records: one at a parking lot in Shelby on 22 Sep 1989 (after...No records.Your best bet, by far, is to take a pelagic trip out of Oregon or Hatteras inlets in the latter half...* to **2024-08-01
Gray FlycatcherEmpidonax wrightiiAs with the Hammond's Flycatcher, the Gray Flycatcher is a species of the Western States, but it is ...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG5One record (see above).One record (see above). No records.1/2*2024-08-01
Broad-tailed HummingbirdSelasphorus platycercusAccidental. There are two state records of the Broad-tailed Hummingbird: an immature male was bande...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG5No records.Two records (see above).No records.1/2 *2024-08-01
Black GuillemotCepphus grylleOf the six Atlantic alcids, the Black Guillemot was the last one to be added to the state's Definiti...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG5Casual winter visitor to the coast. The four accepted records are of single birds in basic plumage ...No records.No records.1/2*2024-08-01
Heermann's GullLarus heermanniThe thought of a strictly West Coast gull species like Heermann's Gull showing up along the Atlantic...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG4Three to roughly six records (see above), all along the coast, though possibly the same adult indivi...No records.No records.1/2*2024-08-01
Western FlycatcherEmpidonax difficilisThere are four state records of this species of western North America. Several dozen years ago, the...NonbreederDefinitiveSAOne record (see above).Three records (see above), with the first two accepted by the NC BRC. The third has yet to be review...No records.1/2*2024-08-01
Yellow-rumped WarblerSetophaga coronataThe Yellow-rumped Warbler, often called the "Butter-butt", is arguably the most abundant warbler on ...BreederDefinitiveSRS1B,S5NG5Winter resident. Along the coast and in Tidewater near sounds, abundant in winter, particularly on ...Winter resident, with noticeable migratory movements. In winter, common in the southeastern half, a...Very sparse (and recent) breeder, widespread transient, and winter resident/visitor. In summer, rar...None needed near the coast in winter.****2024-08-01
Elegant TernThalasseus elegansThis is a species of the Pacific Ocean, ranging regularly north to southern CA, and southward along ...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG4One record (see above).No records.No records.1/2*2024-08-01
Fork-tailed FlycatcherTyrannus savanaThe Fork-tailed Flycatcher's normal range is in Central and South America, but it is famous for vagr...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG5Five records (see above).One record (see above).No records.1/2*2024-08-01
American FlamingoPhoenicopterus ruberThis species is familiar to most people only from zoos, but it is an American species that breeds ma...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG4One record (see above). Any previous reports were not considered for a vote by the NC BRC or were no...No records.No records.1/2*2024-08-01
Plumbeous VireoVireo plumbeusA few decades ago, the Solitary Vireo was split into three species -- from east to west the Blue-hea...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG5One record (see above).No records.No records.1/2*2024-08-01
Red-footed BoobySula sulaThis Tropical waterbird, found in the warmer portions of both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, had b...NonbreederDefinitiveSAG5One record (see above).One record (see above).No records.1/2*2024-08-01